MVR evaporator

The MVR evaporator technology is that when the MVR evaporator runs, uses raw steam little or does not need to be added. In the MVR evaporator, the centrifugal fan compresses the secondary steam to a higher pressure, and the temperature of the secondary steam is increased accordingly. This means that the compressed secondary steam can be used as a heating source for the evaporator. At the same time, the condensate water can also be used to preheat the feed. Only a small area of the condenser is needed, and the amount of cooling water is also a little. It is a new type of high-efficiency and energy-saving evaporation equipment. It operates at low temperature and low pressure and reduces the input of cooling water system. It is used widely in starch sugar, sugar alcohol, citric acid, amino acid, fermented products, medicine, chemical industry and other industries.

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It is used widely in starch sugar, sugar alcohol, citric acid, amino acid, fermented products, medicine, chemical industry and other industries.

(1) Obvious economic benefits, low energy consumption and low operating costs.

(2) The land area is small, and there are few supporting facilities for public works.

(3) No original steam, low temperature and low pressure operation, especially be suitable for heat-sensitive materials, stable product quality.

(4) High degree of automation, reducing human factors misoperation and stable operation.

3Comparison of energy consumption between MVR evaporator and ordinary multi-effect evaporator


Multiple Effect Evaporator/TVR Evaporator

MVR Evaporator



Electric power

Energy consumed water evaporation 1 ton per hour


