Pressure curved screen

Pressure curve screen is the indispensable slurry separating equipment of starch producing, adopts multilevel backflush to sieve can efficiently improve extraction rate and quality of starch. Its major screen surface is imported, sieve shell and incoming parts are used in fine quality imported stainless steel material, it’s the replacement of imported pressure curved sieve.

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Pressure curved sieve is one new high-efficiency stationary sieving equipment, adopting multi-stage back washing process, featured by small occupied land, high efficiency, and improvement of yield rate and starch quality, thus being the key equipment in starch industry. The equipment is widely used in situation of wet materials sieving with large processing capacity, for instance, sieving and de-watering, washing and extracting, and also removing of solids and impurities.

Material get into screen surface from inlet under the effect of pump’s pressure, slurry get into collecting hopper through screen cut, fiber will be left in the front, so as to achieve the purpose of separation.

1, Purpose is fiber separation and washing

2,Countercurrent washing, high recovery rate

3, Each kind of specification include single, double, triple, quadruple, to meet the needs of different production capacity

4,Unique automatic flushing device, greatly improve the recovery rate of starch

Technical parameter


Single unit


Screen surface   arc Angle



Screen width

50um 75um 100um   120um

50um 75um 100um   120um

Handling   capacity



Feeding pressure

0.20.4 Mpa

0.20.4 Mpa

Screen surface   width



Sieve surface   arc radius


