
Maltodextrin is made from starch as a raw material, which is hydrolyzed and controlled by enzymatic process with low degree of control, purification, and drying. It is widely used in candy, malted milk, fruit tea, milk powder, ice cream, beverages, canned food and other foods It is a filler and modifier for all kinds of food.

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一、Process Flow


二、Process Description

 (1) Preparation: adjust the concentration of starch in the starch factory to 17-19Be with water, and adjust the pH value and temperature.

(2) Liquefaction: Transfer the starch milk to the buffer tank, add the appropriate amount of enzyme preparation, use the ejector to heat and mix the insulation to achieve the required DE value, and then kill the enzyme to discharge.

(3) Filtration and decolorization: The liquefied liquid passes through the filter to remove protein and other impurities, then add activated carbon at the appropriate temperature to decolorize within a specified time, and then send it to the filter to remove the activated carbon, and the clear liquid is sent to the next process.

(4) Ion exchange: At a certain temperature, the maltodextrin clear solution enters the cation resin and anion resin exchangers to remove inorganic salts and pigments and other organic impurities to obtain refined filtrate.

(5) Evaporation: Maltodextrin liquid is sent to the evaporator through a precision filter to be concentrated to achieve the desired product concentration, and then sent to the next process.

(6) Spray drying: Maltodextrin liquid is sent to the drying tower through a high-pressure spray pump, meets hot air, evaporates water, and obtains the required maltodextrin powder.

(7) Finished product packaging: maltodextrin products are weighed after packaging and stored in the warehouse.