Corn Oil

Corn germ oil is oil extracted from corn germ at low temperature. The special nutrients contained in corn oil can play a health care role for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and is suitable for frying, frying, cooking, deep-frying and cold mixing.

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一、Process Flow



二、Process Description 

1. After removing the impurities, the corn germ enters the embryo rolling machine for rolling, and the thinly formed germ enters the softening pot for adjustment

2. The adjusted germ enters the pre-extruder for squeezing, and the crude oil from the pre-extruder enters the sedimentation tank for sedimentation, and then is filtered.

3. Put the fat in the pot and heat it with a small fire to eliminate bubbles, pour the pre-adjusted lye and stir evenly to produce a saponification reaction. After the soap particles appear in a free state, stir while heating and let stand Take the upper clear oil.

4. Pour the corn oil into the decolorizing tank, add the adsorbent while heating and stirring, and when the color is suitable, filter with a filter press.

5. Use a filter press to remove the combination of monohydric alcohol and higher fatty acid.

6. Vacuum steam deodorization to remove the odor contained in grease.