Rapeseed Oil

Rapeseed oil is made from rapeseed as the raw material, and is processed through cleaning, softening, steaming, squeezing, refining and other processes.

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一、Process Flow


二、Process Description 

1. Before the rapeseed is squeezed, it needs to be screened, air-separated, magnetically separated, dust-removed, cleaned, etc.

2. Soften the rapeseed

3. Roller blank rolling machine is used to roll the blank into thin and uniform blanks. Press to obtain crude oil.

4. The squeezed crude oil is filtered to obtain rapeseed crude oil

5. Add caustic soda solution to the crude oil, stir it evenly, neutralize the reaction, and wash it with dilute lye and hot water after separation and settling.

6. Vacuum dehydration, then add activated clay to decolorize, vacuum deodorize, filter and package.